Yes, It's A Fucking Kitten
A Norwegian Forest Kitten, to be precise, and I'm showing it to you because it's my birthday in less than two weeks and I want one. Club together if you have to.
One more thing: if you order it from America, do me a favour and get it one of them there injections so it'll stay small and cute forever. Much obliged.
Ooooh, how cute ! Are such kittens' eyes naturally cross, or do they just go amusingly like that when you forcefully squeeze their necks ?
First it was boxes of poncy organic veg, now he's getting a fucking cat. I thought men like you shot themselves.
A Norwegian forest cat at that, John. Can't you get a fucking tabby like the rest of us?
I've already got one of them. Now I want me some Viking pussy.
It is super cute. I think you quite manfully staked your claim here. The internet needs more cat pictures, anyway.
Well you should have said...
Hey Boudie, didn't you used to get yer Tabby out of a Thursday?
Fuck boudica! I opened that link at work.
I hate having to crack one off in front of colleagues. It's so unprofessional.
Never the whole kitten, may have flashed a puppy or two though.
They don't call it animal cruelty for nothing.
ooh ooh ooh ! I know what your new banner is ! I know it ! I know it !
I've always wanted to genetically engineer kittens and puppies to stay that way. More money in it than injections too, I'll wager.
Boudi - nice work.
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